We’re a family business, passionate about flight and the outdoors. Your success in becoming a safe paramotor pilot motivates us to do our best and never cut corners. Your journey is our priority; Hence, why we avoid group training and opt to train people one (possibly two) at a time. No student is the same. Some are young. Some are old. Some have fear, while others are bold. We learn about you as you start to mold… into a pilot.

Our Team

Anthony Vella

The one thing that I love more than flying is creating new paramotor pilots! The sport has contributed so much to my life and I want to see the positive it can have on other’s lives as well.


Leandra Vella

I was driving down the interstate with my nephew when I saw a paramotor in person for the first time. I knew it was Anthony because I’d been following him on Instagram, though I’d never met him. Interested to learn more about flying (and him), I decided to message him. He responded so quickly, eager to tell me everything there is to know about paramotoring; and you’ll soon find this out for yourself!

At the time, Anthony was simply an enthusiast who only spoke of someday teaching people how to fly. So he referred me to a paramotor trainer in Austin, Texas (Lone Star Paramotor) where I flew for the first time–WOW!–Not for the faint of heart! Admittedly, I was scared being up there by myself. I decided that, at least now, I’ll love the world of powered paragliding from the ground.

You may be thinking, “Why are you mentioning this? I mean, shouldn’t you be trying to sell us your service?” Well, yes and no. It’s not for everyone. If you’re uncomfortable to the point where it prevents you from being safe in the air, then I welcome you to watch these incredible flying activities from the ground with me.

Anthony and I eventually tied the knot with our Franklin Mountains as the backdrop and paramotors circling above. Some months later, our baby girl was born with paramotors, once again, circling overhead.

Now we pursue our dream; spending time together, working together, and doing the things we love with the people we love.